Something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time now is to create a couple of back end implementations for my JavaScript Image Cropper UI (I really need to come up with a snazzy name for that) - obviously that hasn’t happened.

I have noticed a couple of implementations appear in the comments, we are now using it at work and I have been emailed about at least one more, but I would like to formalise this a little bit to share these implementations with other users; hence my solicitation.

So if you have a back end implementation for the cropper (in any language) and are willing to share it with other users of the cropper I would like to hear from you. However for completeness and continuity between the different implementations I would like all submissions to adhere to the following.

  1. Implementation functionality:
    • Single package, easy to use
    • At a minimum documented in-line with comments, other documentation is also recommended
    • Implement ability to upload images or take existing images
    • Implement cropping with co-ordinates supplied by cropper UI
    • Implement ability to display cropper with all options
    • Include appropriate accreditations and licences for myself & prototype etc.
  2. Example website:
    • Each implementation should have an example set of pages online, these will be hosted by the implementation author.
    • Allow users to upload an image or use an existing test image.
    • Provide on-screen output of final cropped image.
    • Link to the JavaScript Image Cropper UI page.
  3. Hosting and maintenance:
    • It is the implementation authors responsibility to host the download and associated demo for their implementation.
    • When new versions of the cropper are released, ideally the backend implementations should be updated to utilise the new version.

For now please send any submissions via the contact section of the site.